Before You Apply

The University Scholar Program is a three-semester program, which means you will most likely apply in the first semester of your junior year. Students with many advanced placement or ECE credits may apply in their sophomore year. Pharmacy students may apply in their P-1, P-2 or P-3 year.

The application process includes:

In order to help students prepare for the Fall application, the University Scholar Program holds information sessions each Spring.

Planning Advice

You should begin planning during the second semester of your sophomore year:

  • Begin thinking about the general area of study you would like to pursue and the type of project you might undertake.
  • Consider whether you have appropriate methodological and/or theoretical background to prepare a strong proposal and if not, you should identify ways to obtain that. (For example: courses, independent study, or summer reading.)
  • Begin speaking with faculty members whom you might later ask to serve on your Advisory Committee.
  • Attend one of the Spring semester information sessions.

In March, all UConn students with a minimum 3.6 cumulative grade point average (at least a 3.5 GPA for Honors Scholars; based on the projected completion by the end of the spring semester of at least 54 credits at UConn; 86 for Pharm.D. majors) receive emails informing them about the University Scholar Program. Other students with strong academic records and an interest in participating in the program are also encouraged to apply.