Letter of Intent

If you are interested in applying to the University Scholar Program, you must report your intention to apply to the University Scholar Program Office, indicating your general area of study and listing at least one faculty member with whom you’ve already consulted about your project proposal.

Report Your Intent

Submit your “letter of intent” here by Monday, Sept. 8, 2025. Please contact the coordinator with any questions.

Required Information:

  • Student information (name, student admin number, UConn e-mail address, NetID, major(s))
  • Project Description (three to five sentences)
  • The name of the faculty member with whom you have discussed your proposal

After You Report Intent to Apply

Only students who report their intention to apply by the deadline are eligible to apply for the University Scholar Program. Students indicating their intent to apply will be invited (via UConn e-mail) to a University Scholar Proposal Preparation Workshop that will take place later in September (see Deadlines). To be considered for the University Scholar selection process you will need to submit a complete application by the deadline in November.

Your Proposal Topic May Change

Your area of interest and project topic are likely to undergo modifications between the time you write your letter of intent and your proposal. This is expected. The primary purpose of the letter of intent deadline is to demonstrate that you have initiated your investigation of your project options. The University Scholar proposal process is intensive. It is important for you, early in the semester, to have begun to make contacts with faculty who may assist you with your proposal and may become members of your Advisory Committee.